lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

The selfie phenomenon

Day after day we can find this selfie phenomenon in different social networks such as, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, among others. But... do you know what a salfie is? Fortunately, the Oxford Dictionary has provided a very clear definition for this term:

A selfie is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media (Oxford Dictionary) 

Although this event is quite new and innovative, it is considered a very useful tool when teaching as students are constantly taking selfies and we can take advantage of this inside the classroom. These self- representations can be used for many different activities, as Jill Walker Rettberg did with her students from the University of Bergen "...I asked students to discuss what our selfies, taken together, would tell a future historian about what everyday life was like in 2014..." Let's read Jill's experience and let's start working and planning so as to introduce selfies in our lessons and make students feel motivated with this engaging and fashionable instrument.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Agus! Definitely, including selfies into the EFL classroom would make the whole learning experience much more authentic and engaging for students. The problem would be how. Jill gave us a good example, however, of how to include selfies in the curriculum. Still, as you say we have to start planning seeing how to make the inclusion of selfies in the EFL lessons feasable.

  2. Hi, Mary! You're right! I think that selfies are great to work with, but it is not as easy as it looks like. Especially for our students who are not used to work with this kind of tool, they are just learning how to deal with Power Point or PREZZI presentations, so we must put great effort when planning to work with selfies...bear in mind that selfies are quiet free, so maybe we may have to establish certain rules when working with them.
