lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Are educational websites always useful?

Finding educational websties can be a real challenge! We must consider and apply certain criteria when choosing a webpage as a tool for teaching as many of them offer the same activities or exercises  we can find anywhere, are not so appropriate for students or just are not so neat and clear and instead of helping teaching they may complicate the lesson. Everytime we are in front of an educational website, we must pay attention to the following criteria:
  • Purpose- What is the purpose of the webpage?
  • Authority- Who is the author/s? Does the author have enough authority so as to speak about the subject?
  • Objectivity- Does the content or the author reflect any bias?
  • Appropriateness & Relevance- Is the content and the level appropriate and accurate?
  • Currency- Is the information on the website up-to-date?
  • Responsibility- Are the authors up-front about their purposes and contents?
  • Clarity- Is the information, texts and graphics clearly presented and legible?
  • Accessibility- Can you get in? Does the website load quickly? time...

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Agus! I really liked the summary of the criteria to be taken into consideration when using educational websites you did. I also agree with you in the fact that it is really important to analyse these pages' quality before using them to work in the classroom. I think that after analysing so many webs we've all learned the lesson, haven't we?

  2. Thank you, Mary! I must be honest and say that I didn't know all these aspects as regards website, and we can really make mistakes if we don't consider the previously mentioned criteria. Now we are more acquainted with this topic and we can make the best of it. I appreciate your reading!
