lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Shall we become digital native teachers?

Although most of us are Digital Immigrants as we were educated without laptops, smart phones and internet, current students are Digital Natives that employ these kinds of devices in their everyday lives. And, despite the fact it could be really hard to incorporate technology and new methodologies into classrooms because we are not used to that, we must try and put a lot of effort so as to do it. Children nowadays have radically changed from those of the past, so we must empower and accompany them in this new technological era; many times we keep on using the so well-known course book because we feel safe and we think it contains everything we need, but at the same time we appreciate students'  boredom and unmotivation. So, what shall we do? Shall we keep on being digital immigrant teachers or shall we become digital native teachers? Shall we try to teach with digital native technologies? All these questions are asked by teachers when reflecting and thinking about the use of technology in classrooms. As I said before, it is not easy and it becomes a great challenge for teacher as we need to design and put into practice new digital methodologies and ask our students for guidance. It can be hard, but if we can appreciate its benfits, we will embrace this new way of learning & teaching. According to Prensky (2001) Smart adult immigrants accept that don't know abut their new world and take advantage of their kids to help them learn and integrate...; so, as I previously mentioned, it can be hard but we can learn how to be digital native teachers, but we must reconsider not only our lesson plans but also our methodologies and contents. 

Source: Prensky, M. (2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

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